Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"You lie, cheat, and steal!"

Following the conviction of the Pirate Bay four, the Swedish Pirate Party saw its membership increase by 18,000 people and the Pirate Bay still stands online. Although other torrent tracker sites have shut down after the results of the trial, we all know this ruling is not going to stop people from downloading the Wolverine movie or Death Magnetic.

File-sharing is so widespread internationally! Not to mention the increasing critiques of copyright laws here in the US and abroad. The entertainment industry must be panicking and slowly falling into desperate madness as it runs out of ammo trying to defeat this endlessly-headed hydra.

Now I could go on and on for a while on this topic but the point is "piracy" is changing the way people create, distribute, and watch/listen/enjoy all the music, films, and art that is out there. If the large companies of the entertainment industry crumble apart (well, not 'if' - it's already happening), they'll have themselves to blame for not adapting to the changing landscape. They're orchestrating their own downfall simply because of greed. It will be those who see opportunities in this new era of online distribution who succeed.