Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Why can't we not be sober?"

So last Wednesday I attended a wine signing event in Henderson. I got two bottles signed by Maynard James Keenan, from Tool, and winemaker Eric Glomski. They've been doing these events a lot lately, mostly around Arizona and nearby cities.

I drove clear across Vegas to get to the Whole Foods store in Henderson which I managed to locate without much trouble. On a side note, Henderson is a pretty rich looking city. At least the area I was in. I didn't see any graffiti anywhere and the shopping center I was in seemed pretty high end. There was even a charming, antiquated looking carousel that was in operation right beside the store!

Anyway, upon arriving there was already a long line of people going from the entrance of the store all the way around to the back. I got my place way in the back and worried that I hadn't gotten there earlier. I was relieved to hear event staff tell us that there was plenty of time and plenty of bottles for everyone to get. Alright, now a couple hundred Tool fans/wine enthusiasts and I just had to wait about an hour outside in the chilly November night. They should've popped open some bottles and let us sample them out!

There were seven wines available; some from Arizona Stronghold Vineyard and some from Maynard's own Caduceus Cellars. I made my choices and watched as the line grew longer and longer. By the time I was near the front of the line, people were still getting in line and the event was still scheduled for another hour and a half.

Due to the large number of people, event staff was moving everything along at a fast pace. No cameras were allowed and everyone met Eric and Maynard one at a time. No opportunity for questions. When it was my turn, Eric did most of the talking. He said thanks for being here and passed the bottles on to Maynard who said a simple hello and "enjoy the wine" before I left. Not a big deal; everyone was being passed through and they had a lot of bottles to sign before the event was over. Other than that, I noticed Maynard was wearing a cool orange Puscifer jacket.

I got one bottle of Arizona Stronghold Tazi White. Now, I'm not a big wine drinker but I do like the taste of Riesling wine which makes up 33% of the Tazi according to the description. I'll probably pop this one open some day. Here you can see Eric Glomski's signature on the top of the bottle.

I also purchased one bottle of Merkin Chupacabra, a red wine. The description of it reads:

Our mystery red blend. Think forest, not trees. Think weather, not rain. Stare and the Chupacabra, who dwells in your heart and not in your head, will vanish.

Probably hold on to this one for a while. I should've expected a description like this; it is Maynard.

Maynard's signature:

Now I just gotta learn how to store this wine right. Then open them up for a good reason. Sounds like this wine would go well on a nice trip. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Caller number 10

Seeing as how many consider this election to be a historic moment, a lot of us will have personal stories that we'll remember for years. "Do you remember what you were doing the day the US elected Barack Obama as President?" As for me, I wasn't at the voting booths; I took care of that on Halloween. I wasn't watching the news networks keeping up with up-to-the-minute coverage of the election in anticipation of the results. Not because I didn't care; actually, this election day was pretty cool and I'm glad it didn't take long to determine who the winner turned out to be. No, I was standing by the radio with a phone in each hand while I felt my heart beat faster and faster in my chest. There's floor tickets for Nine Inch Nails at stake! I've been at it all day and there's only a few more chances left to win them. Gotta keep trying and think positive!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I'll be the one to protect you from..."

When I first heard this song I thought "that definitely sounds like Maynard, but I've never heard this before". There was so much visual distraction around me at the time yet this song had me hypnotized! Now I finally thought to track it down with the help of the interwebs. Turns out it is Maynard just in A Perfect Circle form. Now my obsession with finding the identity of this song can rest. I imagined something different when I heard it but the video gives the lyrics another meaning altogether. (Which reminds me; voting ends today.) Anyway, turn the volume up to 11 for this one!